Blog Bi-Monthly has called AM,hD,tR "the most poignant and provocative presence online today." Online Publishers Report proclaims AM,hD,tR to be "as polished and poetic as anything anyone could ever hope to peruse." And the New York Times Review of Blogs ... well, they would not return repeated phone calls. New posts on the full moon: Jan. 22, Feb. 21, Mar. 21.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Cat that Came Back

Apologies, dear Readers, for failing to file my November update. (And thanks, i think, to the Anonymous poster, who pestered me by writing only Promises, promises! At least ONE person was waiting to read what i'd been up to!)

Partly i was just busy with stuff, partly i was still adjusting to an unforeseen change in my primary relationship .. i've been a little more depressed than usual -- at times -- over the past month or two, while coming to terms with feelings of having been -- what's the best word? -- supplanted. i won't go into a lot of detail here .. i'll just say that i used to take up a fair amount of the leisure time of the guy who held my heart-strings, and then pretty suddenly, he just wasn't there anymore. i'd felt from the beginning (and told him this:) that my love was as unconditional as i'd ever felt it to be; those feelings have been put to the test during this past couple of months, and i'm happy to report that it is a test that i've passed. Although things did not continue in the way that i'd hoped they might, i have no doubt that we will always be friends. Some people are too good to let go of, and i only hope that the object of my affections feels similarly. But it really doesn't matter, in the end, if he does or not.

Big sigh.

The Hot Stones Massage intensive course was great, and i've given two sessions since then. It fits easily with the Swedish massage that i know and perform so well, and i look forward to offering it as often as i can fit it in with my work schedule. A group of gay guys called the Billies living in rural areas of n. California are returning to Heartwood at the end of this month for their 15th annual Heartwood retreat, and i hope to be able to get a couple of paying clients during their stay.

Speaking of which, i'd emailed a guy named Rosario who was at last year's Billy gathering to ask if he were planning on returning this year, and he called tonight to say that it's about a 75% chance he'll be back. i had my eye on this guy from the git-go last year, and was pleasantly surprised to learn that the attraction was mutual. We got the chance to spend some time together, and i'm really looking forward to hooking up with him again this year. He's Asian Indian, born in Tanzania, but spent most of his 30-some years in the US: really sweet guy, and dark and handsome (just the way i like 'em)!

Here at Heartwood, i learned late last week that the Welcome Center manager, Candice, who's been here like two months, has given her notice, and is planning on leaving to pursue bodywork studies up in Arcata. Heartwood's program is more than she can afford, and her partner begins his studies up there at the same time. So i'll be breaking in ANOTHER new manager within the next month or so, the 4th in about a year. i'm still not interested in doing the job myself. The pay differential is paltry, and besides, it's not what i came here to do. i like the low-stress, low-responsibility aspects of my job, and focus heavily on non-work aspects of life at Heartwood to find contentment and growth.

i haven't yet started running again after finishing the marathon Oct. 15. At first it was because i was doing a 7-day cleanse, then it was because of being busy with the Hot Stones course. Now i'm looking at starting training again after the New Year, with a view toward running the Avenue of the Giants marathon (over the same course) on May 6. On numerous occasions i've asked Mike Morone, that vexatious cock-knocker, if he would in fact be coming out here to run it with me, and still he deigns to ignore my entreaties.

But one of the reasons i remain friends with the dude is because he does things like purchasing 20 ten-dollar bookstore gift certificates and hiding them in the children's book section of the library in the disadvantaged neighborhood where he grew up. Our hometown newspaper even did a story on it. Oy, what a mensch!

Finally, i'd like to mention how wonderful it was to get cranio-sacral work from a couple of fourth-quarter students within the past week: a session from Brian Peterson at 8 pm last Tuesday, which actually didn't produce in me any noticeable changes right away. i went to the sauna afterward, and it wasn't until the next morning that i noticed how really wonderful i felt. People even commented on how great i looked.

Then i got another session yesterday from my friend Shaman, and this time i felt like i was floating immediately afterward. i again went to the sauna afterward before going to sleep, and the happy, peaceful feelings i felt last time are just as intense this time. i really feel that that first session with Brian was instrumental in helping to bring me out of my funk over the relationship stuff. It's experiences like these that compensate so hugely for the low pay staff here take home.

Speaking of which, Heartwood has come out of escrow, and it's offical: Bennett and Delphina (who herself is a former student and staff) are offically the new owners of Heartwood! They were recently married and are living on Hawai'i, but will be visiting here in a couple of weeks to take part in a big party celebrating their acquisition. Those of us here now are very excited to see the big changes in infrastructure, marketing, etc. that are so long overdue. The hot-tub and sauna will be upgraded or replaced, watsu facilities will be installed, the roads will be redone, solar panels will lessen Heartwood's reliance on the energy-grid .. and we will learn about other changes coming our way during their visit. This is a really great time to be here, and depending on what develops, i may extend my time here beyond my original two-year commitment.

Another friend who has been here about three years, Art Brown, has handed in his notice. He worked in the kitchen, but one of his side-jobs was to bring in bands to perform a couple of times a month, and he has asked me to take over this job. i'm happy to do it, if management will allow me a few hours off per week to devote to it, which i think they will. Art lives in a yurt even bigger than mine, with a stove and an oven, but it's way up at the top of a steep hill (about a ten-minute walk from my place), and a little further away from the center of campus than i think i'm willing to be. It'd be a big hassle to decamp and move all my stuff up there, esp. if i'm only planning on being here another six to nine months. i'm pretty happy and cozy here in my 20-foot yurt, so i'm probably gonna stay put.

OK catz and kittenz, that's all fo .. OH MY GOD i forgot to mention: Sky's kitty Ghost was in my care while Sky was away during the last break, and during the first couple of days he was back, she didn't come back after i'd put her out one night! (He wasn't in a big hurry to reclaim her, and i didn't mind having her around a bit longer.) She was on a kitty adventure for TEN DAYS before nonchalantly showing up one night at the Lower Dorms (where Sky lives)! She was as happy and healthy as if she'd just gone out a few minutes before, and i was very happy to call the local radio station and cancel the "lost kitty" ad we'd placed there. We were both dancing in the lodge Thanksgiving night when our friend Brenna waltzed in to tell first him and then me that Ghost had returned! i'd been really close to giving up hope, but was still praying and imagining that Ghost had found temporary refuge with a friendly neighbor. We were all so happy to have this cute little feline angel back amongst us. She really is a frolicsome and friendly little thing.

Oh, there's always one more thing to add, but it's going on midnight, and i'm gonna wrap this sucker. i'll close with warmest holiday greetings to all the Faithful Readership. Those of you with disposable income and the will to donate to the needy/deserving might check back here for my Christmas wish-list .. otherwise, see you all in 2007.

May you and all your loved ones enjoy even more peace of mind, prosperity,
love and joy in the coming days and weeks, and may you never lose sight of the
eternal divine love that suffuses your every molecule.


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